Jumpstart your career in tech with the Safeboard Internship Program

In 2015, Kaspersky established an internship program called SafeBoard. It provides students and recent graduates with an opportunity to obtain practical skills working in a global cybersecurity company for 6 to 12 months and the potential to get their first job offer. Young women seeking a career in tech, support, sales, or marketing roles are encouraged to apply.
What is it all about?
The SafeBoard internship program is an excellent chance for young people looking for career opportunities in IT and cybersecurity. The initiative currently runs in Moscow, Singapore, and several European cities, including London, Paris, Milan, Prague, and Utrecht. Every year thousands of students sign up hoping to become a part of the Kaspersky team and gain experience in a renowned, international business. Applicants can choose various roles in tech (threat research, research and development tech support) and non-tech (sales and marketing, finance, Human Resources etc.). As most candidates are students, they will devote 20 to 35 hours a week to the job. And, of course, the internship is paid.
The SafeBoard program was first implemented at Kaspersky Moscow headquarters six years ago. The company was growing and needed more technical interns to fill the increasing number of new roles. The internship program standardized the procedure for finding smart young people, growing new specialist talent, and filling available vacancies.
“We provide only long-term internships. It’s the only way to teach new candidates properly and prepare them for their roles,” explains Alina Kenzhaeva, Educational Program Manager at Kaspersky. “Some of the students would prefer a 3-months summer internship, but it goes against our overall goal. Our teams put so much effort into growing highly skilled specialists who want to stay at the company and are a good match for their future positions.”
Since the program began, Kaspersky managers in Moscow have hired more than 400 interns, half of which have signed contracts for permanent positions.
with Kaspersky
SafeBoard goes abroad
The Moscow office offers mostly technical vacancies, which are traditionally concentrated at Kaspersky HQ. In 2021, the SafeBoard program was extended globally. Students from Europe and Singapore can now apply for internships, but in this case, mostly in business positions such as marketing and sales.
“Singapore was chosen for the launch of the SafeBoard program because it is Kaspersky’s headquarters in the Asia Pacific region and has a very strong relationship with local universities. We adopted the best practice from our Moscow colleagues and were able to implement a similar method with some variations,” says Shan Loy, Program Manager. “First, we checked which intern roles were needed with the business managers. This was a different approach to Moscow because only sales and marketing roles were needed. However, we did use a similar process of screening. There was a hackathon, video interview, and eventually, the applicants were offered a meeting with the final hiring manager.”
In Moscow, the internship program usually lasts for 12 months, but in Singapore and Europe, it’s currently only six months. Each region has its own goals and defines its internship conditions independently.
Marketing intern,

I studied Banking and Finance at the University of London, but realized it wasn’t my passion, so I am about to start a Marketing course at RMIT University. I saw the Kaspersky SafeBoard program on Instagram and decided to take a chance and sign up. I was invited to do a test within a couple of days, which I found pretty easy. There were questions about my hard and soft skills, and I was given 30 seconds to think about them and 1 minute to give the answer. I was then invited to a 2-hour hackathon with other candidates. We learned how to work together across different challenges and brainstorm. We were asked to come up with ways to prevent a DDOS attack and build up a firewall system. Afterwards, I was interviewed by the Head of Marketing, Christine Chong. Although I don’t have a background in marketing, she recognized my passion for the field and offered me an internship.
I love working as a part-time marketing intern at Kaspersky Singapore. My peers don’t treat me like an intern, and my supervisor is very keen to help and teach me and has even given me my own project.
The working environment at Kaspersky is very different from my previous workplace. I was an intern at another tech company but left after three months because I had very little to do. Here I can use my own initiative and even hold meetings by myself.
The SafeBoard program is highly respected and well paid. I would recommend that anyone who has a passion for self-improvement to give it a go. Never let anyone or anything define your worth. Remember, even if you are rejected by hundreds of people, there will be one who recognizes your worth.
For whom the program is?
To apply for the SafeBoard program, you must be a student. In certain regions, Singapore, for example, fresh graduates are welcome but should be prepared to accept a part-time job and corresponding salary. If you apply for a business role, such as sales or marketing, you don’t need a tech background, but experience in this area might help you through the screening process.
“We also provide full-time vacancies at Kaspersky for people who have already graduated because we know that if we offer them a part-time job and simple tasks, they might not stay for a year. We are trying to be more flexible, explore new audiences and experiment by hiring graduates who want to change their profession. We recently took on a 16-year-old boy who had not finished school but wanted to apply for an internship to work as a pentester,” says Alina Kenzhaeva.
How to get into the SafeBoard internship program?
Kaspersky HQ in Moscow
Call for applications/interns opens twice a year
1. Sign up for the SafeBoard program.
2. Take an online test to demonstrate your hard and soft skills.
3. Pass a video interview or do a test assignment.
4. Have a final interview with a hiring team.
5. Accept your internship offer.
Kaspersky offices in Singapore and Europe
Call for applications/interns opens once a year
1. Sign up for the SafeBoard program.
2. Take an online test to demonstrate your hard and soft skills.
3. Take part in a hackathon with other candidates.
4. Pass an online interview.
5. Accept your internship offer.

Educational Program Manager at Kaspersky
We recruit about 20—30 interns out of 2000 applicants. The competition is tough, but there are a lot of people who only fill out the questionnaire or who take an online test and never go further. Only about 50% of applicants complete the first test that is supposed to be taken at home at a convenient time. Those who end up getting an internship offer say they didn't expect it at all. So don’t be afraid.
Three components help a candidate make it to the final round:
1. Think less and do more since you have such an opportunity. Don’t let tough competition intimidate you.
2. Be sure you can present yourself, your skills, hobbies and the reason why you have chosen this field. The skill of self-introduction is crucial.
3. Show your interest, ask the team questions during the interview. I see cases when we choose between a more skillful but passive candidate and a candidate who knows less but is curious and ready to learn. And we often pick the latter.
This formula helps to reach at least the final stages of screening.
What about women?
The SafeBoard program is an excellent opportunity for young women to start a career in IT. Every year more and more talented girls apply for the internship to become skilled specialists. Even those ‘manly’ fields like research and development and threat research attract more women than they used to a few years ago. They finish the internship, get job offers and quickly move up the career ladder.
“In APAC, we have 30% women and 70% men. Still more guys, but I think it’s a good improvement. There will always be opportunities for ladies interested in joining us. We actively participate in local events that advocate for women in tech and support government initiatives. We do it to drum up support as well as to drum up awareness about our internship program,” says Shan Loy.
“I feel comfortable working with men, and I don’t need to prove that I’m worth it. It’s all about ethics. I just go in and be professional. No one has to define cybersecurity as a men’s industry, just like sports. This industry is growing, developing and attracting more women. We have to accept it,” says Nur Fathin Binte Zailani, marketing intern, APAC.
“How can we get more girls into tech positions? It’s all about providing access to a female role model that can offer advice and encourage them to consider the industry. This is one way we can help, and it’s a good place to start,” adds Shan Loy.
Former intern, Middle-Security
System Analyst, Moscow

In my second year at college, I was studying information security. I looked for an internship in a big tech company and signed up for the Kaspersky SafeBoard program. I didn’t feel confident, but I knew the internship would be useful even if I didn't end up getting a job. I applied to other companies but chose Kaspersky because I appreciated its friendly atmosphere.
During the selection process, I was given a choice to work in security, threat research, and software development. I chose security as it was relevant to the subject I studied.
The application process was fun. I passed the test and took part in a hackathon, participating in on-site team games and hard skill tasks designed to be like real internship problems. I then was invited to participate atfive weeks training which taught me a variety of career perspectives at Kaspersky and allowed me to work in a role as part of a real team.
Finally, I met my new colleagues. I was so nervous and excited, but I was invited to join the analyst team.
I signed a one-year contract, but as I had to combine work and study, my internship was extended for another six months. I could devote only 20 hours a week to work, but after receiving a diploma, I was offered a full-time job at Kaspersky as a Junior Security System Analyst. After six months, I was surprised to be promoted to a middle specialist! My scope of responsibilities has expanded since then, and my role has become even more interesting.
One of the reasons I enjoy working for Kaspersky is my peers believe in me. I can ask a question, and they will always help. The SafeBoard internship program is a great opportunity to start a career, especially considering how difficult it is for newbies to get their first job. Persistence and willingness to learn, as well as courage and confidence, will help you through the internship process.
The results
“Now a recursion has started, with former ‘safeboarders’ looking for interns for their teams. Three guys have already gone on to become team leads and manage 3 to 10 people each. Their path from interns to leaders only took four years, and these were not the results we expected to see so fast. It's great!” says Alina Kenzhaeva.
How to make the most
of the internship program

Educational Program Manager at Kaspersky
\\ It's okay to start with something small. You might feel ready to lead your own projects from day 1, but an internship is about gradual growth — be patient and perfect basic things and then move on to the bigger tasks.
\\ Be proactive, and don't be scared to speak. For instance, teams have different approaches to working with interns — from daily report sessions to giving full freedom at early stages. Seek the way that works for you and ask your manager to implement it.
\\ Sometimes your first-choice career does not feel right — maybe you are working extra hours or stuck with routine tasks. Burning out and leaving the team is one option, but giving feedback to your lead could present new opportunities. Believe me, they want the best for you and are ready to listen if you want to talk.